The 28-year-old proceeds to walk into a modelling shoot where, to the amazement of all watching, she commands that the light blue dress change its colour to pink.
The video has proven so amazing that many have questioned whether it is legitimate.
"I'm sorry but that looks really fake," a YouTube user commented.
"Jane [Lu] has always wanted to be innovative and ahead of the game when it comes to technology,' a spokeswoman said.
"She doesn't compete in the market, she dominates."
Showpo have billed the hi-tech dress as a game changer in the field of fashion. Photo / Youtube / Showpo
Ms Lu started her professional life in corporate finance - first securing an elusive graduate position with KPMG before moving to accounting firm Ernst & Young.
After spending some time pondering her future life as a corporate go-getter, she decided to channel her energy into fashion instead.
Now her online shopping venture reportedly turns over $10 million a year.
It distributes clothing to 45 countries, has 420,000 followers on Instagram and 464,000 friends on Facebook.