Fathers play a decisive role in the development of their children. Sons, however, need fathers most of all so they have someone to model themselves on.
For a boy a male figure in their lives is important because almost all children grow up among women, first their own mothers and then from kindergarten through primary school where female teachers are in the majority.
This makes a male presence in a child's life all the more important. A father is equally indispensable to a girl, but for a boy the father is his first male model. This is especially important when a boy enters puberty.
It used to be that the dad only became an important figure in a child's life when he or she was beyond the difficult teenage years. Children typically are closer with their mother in the first phases of life, said Reinhard Winter, director of a social sciences institute in Germany. If fathers withdraw, they can fail to get to know their child and this can have far-reaching effects.
In the first years of life children develop what psychologists call attachment, which is defined as a relationship based on intense feelings. If it doesn't occur, it can't be made up for later, said psychologist Holger Simonszent.