Pancake parlour
Dolly up your everyday pancakes or waffles with a slurp of finest vanilla syrup - our very own Heilala Vanilla made from the finest Tongan beans. Slice the last of the peaches and nectarines, drizzle with syrup and sigh.
Warm 200ml cream with 80g sugar, add gelatine leaves and, when cool, pour over 300ml fromage frais. Add 300ml soft whipped cream, 80ml Heilala Vanilla Syrup and let it set in the fridge. Pipe it with fruit or rich chocolate cake, layer it in sundae dishes or eat from the bowl!
Cocktail hour
Peter Gordon can't be wrong: fill a glass with ice, add 220ml Heilala vanilla syrup to 350ml Stolen golden rum, top with 90ml of fresh lime juice. Tropical love fest.