People have shared on Reddit some tips and facts to help yourself in life threatening situations. Photo / Getty Images
People have shared on Reddit some tips and facts to help yourself in life threatening situations. Photo / Getty Images
The internet has the answer for many of our questions, sometimes useful, sometimes not.
This week thousands of Reddit users came together to share their responses to the query: "What random fact could save your life one day?"
Read below, for ten of the best tricks which could truly save your life, because as we all know, mother nature has a mind of her own and these tips will be your friend if you find yourself in a disaster.
Don't remove bandaging
If someone's losing a lot of blood, you need to apply pressure and try to elevate the vulnerable area above the heart to slow down the bleeding.
An important tip to know is that if the injured person is bleeding through the first layer of bandage you apply, under no circumstance should you remove the gauze. Rather, apply a second layer on top of it.
Harvard Medical School says even if the bleeding comes to a halt, do not remove the bottom layer until medical assistance is available.
Hypothermia is silent
Hypothermia is a killer and makes you so cold you won't even be aware of what's going on. If you're shaking and shivering, you're lucky, and it means your body hasn't dipped into the perilous brink of less than 35°C yet.
When you reach the dangerous stage, everything will slow down and you'll be hit with a wave of exhaustion causing all movement will stop.
However, you can notice it in others, if they seem sleepy and their body has stopped moving and trying to naturally warm up - it's a sign that they're verging on death.
As the body temperature lowers, the processes slow down and one feels spaced, dazed and will eventually drift to sleep.
If your peer seems like they want to go to sleep, getting them to warmth is what will keep them alive.
Don't be mislead by a tornado
If you find yourself in "tornado alley" (anywhere from Texas to Minnesota) and think you're safe because the tornado looks like it's staying still, the truth is, it could be coming straight towards you.
Don't stand outside and watch it approach, as you could be in the direct line of destruction. The Storm Prediction Centre says to rush inside a solid building and remove yourself from surrounding objects large and small. Lay flat on your stomach and use your arms to guard your head.
If a tornado looks like it's staying still, it could actually be coming right towards you. Photo / Getty Images
Paranormal activity or poison?
"If you think your house or apartment is haunted and have been seeing, hearing, or feeling a presence, get a carbon monoxide detector," one user said.
"You may be hallucinating and this is potentially lethal."
Experts support what the user was saying, hallucinations and clouded imaginations are triggered by carbon monoxide poisoning, so don't be alarmed, just ensure you get an air quality test, stat.
Break the edges of windows
If you need to smash a car window, the least strong part is around the edges.
Rather than aiming for the middle which is the strongest, tactically swing at the sides because they'll give way more easily.
Make sure you smash the window the furthest away from the person or animal trapped inside, the glass will probably shatter messily. If this happens, take note of tip one.
How to detect appendicitis
Unexplainable pain in your stomach? It could be critical you do the home-test and check for appendicitis.
Use Rovsing's traditional technique if you have a pain on the lower right side, by applying pressure on the bottom left quadrant of your stomach.
If you then feel more pain than you do on the right, make your way to the doctor as soon as possible.
Even though your appendix is on the left of your body, the first sign of appendicitis can be felt on the right. Photo / Getty Images
Spotting a tsunami
When you're enjoying the ocean and suddenly realise the tide has diminished, evacuate the area immediately.
As one Reddit user stated: "If you are at the beach on vacation and one day ask yourself where all the water is gone, far beyond normal tide, run!!!"
This is a sign a tsunami is on its way. Don't be caught admiring what has happened and questioning what's going on, because your question will soon be answered moments before you're brutally swept away.
Caught in a rip
It's often difficult to realise you're stuck in a rip until you find yourself an alarming distance away from the shore.
Don't panic, and do not try to fight it. Stay still and try to attract attention, alternatively swim parallel to the shore and in the end, you'll escape the current.
If you're caught in a building and find yourself trapped, stop drop and roll and get on the ground. Smoke travels up, so the higher you are, the harder it will be to breathe.
Falling through ice
When your body meets the freezing temperature in ice cold water, it will instantly react and enter an automatic state of shock. This will be over in a couple of minutes, so try your best to remain calm.
Find a nearby piece of ice that didn't break and put your arms on top of it. Hold on and use your legs for momentum to get your body horizontal, then climb out of the ice.