1. Studio Archirivolto chairs
I love my "Punk" chairs designed by Studio Archirivolto. They're great pieces of sculpture sitting in my space.
2. Rivoting Old Roads to New Roads
After I visited Venice a few years ago, I came home and created a large painting of an Auckland map, titled Rivoting Old Roads to New Roads. It's quite stylised and colourful. I designed a new transport system for the city, with more train lines and ferry lines linking Auckland via water. After travelling via vaporetto [water bus] in Venice, I wished Auckland could have more ferries for transportation.
3. Found kelp
It has such otherworldly quality in its sculptural form. It's twisted and organic and sits well, I think, as a contrast piece on my bookshelves. It was found at Piha Beach by a friend, and given to me as a present.
4. Kundalini hand-shaped lamp
Made of bright red glass by Italian glassmakers and designed by Future Systems, it gives off the most beautiful red aura of light. It's exotic and calming, and the hand-shaped form seems to carry a kind of knowing wisdom; it glows from within.
5. Domus
My complete set of Domus, compiled by Taschen into 12 volumes, features cutting-edge architecture, interiors, urban design and decorative arts from 1928 to 1999. It's always inspirational.
6. Art collection
I really love collecting art, and I love living with it, so I have it everywhere in my apartment. Every time you look at art it seems to give you another perspective. One of my favourite works is a glitter work by Reuben Paterson, which he gave me a few years ago. It's quite different in style to his well-known work. It's quite an experimental piece - I just love it!
7. John Fluevog shoes
My turquoise, red and white John Fluevogs, bought in New York three years ago, are a firm favourite. I've only worn them out once, but I love looking at them every day in my wardrobe.
8. Japanese pottery
Another favourite is my collection of random pieces of art pottery. Most of it I got in Japan, some was created by my friend, New Zealand potter Jacqui Brown, from her time in Japan. I use most of my pieces nearly every day.
9. Books
I have many books I love, and I like to just browse them over and over and enjoy each for its unique visual language. New Worlds: Maps from the Age of Discovery is a big book of beautiful drawings and etchings of world maps dating back to 1475.
10. Sam Mitchell artwork
Another work of art I'm really enjoying at the moment is by Sam Mitchell. The composition features portraits of David Bowie painted on an old book cover.