Construction on the new $330 million Peka Peka to Otaki Expressway got under way last week.
The project will reduce congestion and provide safer, more efficient and more reliable journeys through the Kapiti area, connecting with the Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway in the south.
"The 13km of four-lane expressway project also includes 9km of local roads, a new 330-metre Otaki River crossing, overbridges at Rahui Rd and at School Rd in Te Horo and proposed options for better walking and cycling access," NZ Transport Agency director of regional relationships Emma Speight said.
She said 1.3km of railway tracks will also be moved to ensure all modes of transport are well considered and are properly catered for.
Ms Speight has also congratulated Fletchers Construction, the project's constructor, for winning Nga Tohu Reo Maori 2017 — at the Maori Language Awards.