Kapiti showcased its best music event of the year on Saturday, thanks to a visit from award-winning music mastermind Tiki Taane, who led the crowd through an engaging and high energy performance at Raumati Beach's Boundary Tap and Kitchen.
With a fusion of local talent stepping in to capture the evening scene, including talented photographers Michelle Davies of Michelle Davies Photography and Daniel Panter of Picture This Photography, the event was courtesy of well-connected and fast-evolving Kapiti business The Paepae Soundsystem, fronted by local DJ Huta Thomas.
Standout support also came from Raumati Beach singer, songwriter and musician Devon Welch, who played his own mix of captivating originals and covers before Wellington-based musician Tyna Keelan paved way for Tiki's much-anticipated multidimensional performance.
"Saturday was pumping!" said Tiki, whose busy schedule this month includes performances in Fiji and Tahiti, before a visit to Taranaki to play the annual Tattoo and Art Festival.