Twenty five years of specialist fire fighting has been recognised at Te Horo Rural Fire Force which has awarded Fire Service gold stars to three of its senior fire fighters.
Fire chief Bryan Sutton, senior fire officer Brent Spence and station officer John Connolly received their awards from local Justice of the Peace Chris Turver, a former deputy chairman of the Fire Force's management committee.
Te Horo Rural Fire Force responds on average to 60 callouts a year from Te Horo in the Kapiti district, and is called on for its specialist training to support major rural fire fighting in the wider Wellington region.
It was founded in 1983 by 12 local men armed only with buckets and driving their own utes to put out local fires.
Today, it has 16 trained fire fighters, two modern four-wheel drive appliances, and up-to-date equipment at its purpose-built base in School Road, Te Horo.