The Waikanae Lions Super Garden Trail is on this month, featuring 13 lovingly tended gardens around the town from Waimea Rd, Waikanae Beach to Kotare St and Matuhi St across the tracks.
This is the first year Kevin and Morag Woodley's garden will be featured on the trail after they last participated in 2013 at their previous property on Ngarara Rd.
Moving to Kotare St in late 2014 the couple have had fewer than four years to develop their garden from barely more than a mowed paddock into a multi level garden.
It's now complete with a pergola and bench seats, plantings including a vegetable patch, roses, camellias, dahlias and a variety of other shrubs, perennials and annualsseparated with mulch along with a water feature and sculptures from the Bay of Plenty.