Sophie Handford and Aden O'Connor have set up a Kāpiti support group for people in self isolation. Photo / Rosalie Willis
An online support group has been started in Kāpiti by Cr Sophie Handford and Aden O'Connor to support those in self-isolation at home around the coast.
Called Self Isolation Support - Kāpiti, the group which can be found on Facebook is for people currently in isolation and for the community around them to support.
"We started the group because it is important that in times of uncertainty and when there are people in the community who need support, that we come together around them," Sophie said.
"There are and will continue to be members of our Kāpiti community who might struggle to self isolate or are particularly vulnerable as we respond to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
"There are so many kind, wonderful people who are willing to offer support to those people so we wanted to link them up."
There are currently over 500 volunteers registered through their system, with around 50 people already reaching out for support and almost two thousand members on the Facebook page.
"We do expect this to grow considerably."
Some people have requested the collection of their groceries, others after some wool to keep knitting while in self isolation, others returning back to New Zealand from abroad and wanting some food for when they get back and are required to be in self isolation.
"Every interaction so far with both volunteers and those needing support has been a success story and seeing the strength of community in this Facebook group has been awesome."
The group is in constant contact with the Ministry of Health, the police, WREMO and Kāpiti Coast District Council to ensure they have up to date advice on creating a system that allows the community to support each other which is as safe as possible.
They have also joined with Volunteer Kāpiti to create written guidelines for volunteers to follow when they are taking part is this self isolation support initiative to safekeep both volunteers and people signing up for support.
Sophie and Aden are also in contact with other councils around the country who are looking to follow suit, creating similar support groups.
Search Self Isolation Support - Kāpiti on Facebook, join the group, and fill out the Google Doc form stating whether you are in need of support or a looking to support somone else.
For those without Facebook an email address and phone number have been set up, email or call 02041364831.
You will then be matched up with someone based on what you need or can offer and the offer and the information provided in the form will only be used for the purpose of supporting self-isolated people in Kāpiti.