"This will put an end to the problems we've been experiencing with the tar seal and provide a better quality road surface in the long-term.
"The council is frustrated with the on-going road surface issues and the problems it's caused for motorists, pedestrians, and particularly residents."
Downer has been back to both streets three times since the original chip seal work done in early April.
Mr Mallon said Downer had been working through a staged repair process involving application of more chip.
"Contractually Downer is required to fix any works that have failed under the contract conditions at their cost, and in a way that they determine to be appropriate."
"They have not provided any one specific reason [for the failure of the seal] but their initial report to us included that poor weather at the time of the original work was a contributing factor."
He said Downer was responsible for the work.
"They used a sub-contractor for the original chip seal works.
"All of the follow up works have been done by their own staff."
Mr Mallon said council had been frustrated by the ongoing road surface issues on both roads.
"We have expressed our concerns about the viability of the ongoing repairs and have been seeking a long-term solution from Downer involving alternatives to chip seal.
"As with any contract for services we have a number of liability and warranty issues to consider and continue to work through with the contractor.
Regarding chip seals costs, Mr Mallon said there had been additional staff time associated with responding to complaints and in reviewing Downer's proposals.
"All physical works have been at Downer's cost."
He said the contract document used by council to carry out the chip seal works was a nationally accepted document.
"It is used by multiple councils and the NZ Transport Agency to manage these type of works.
"The NZ Transport Agency contribution we receive towards our roading works is based on us using the correct and appropriate standards for our contracts."
Asphalting work starts tomorrow with Mazengarb Rd first followed by Guildford Drive.