A Paraparaumu business owner whose shop lies in the path of the Kapiti Lights upgrade is concerned it will cause major disruptions to business.
The Family Music Store owner Cam Sutton said concept plans showed that as well as construction work on the footpath, there would be work to remove the carparks outside his shop.
"The plans have wiped out the carparks, and they're the only two we've got.
"People can park around the corner or at Coastlands, but we have couriers that stop outside and we've sometimes got quite heavy equipment like digital pianos."
Mr Sutton, who opened the shop almost four years ago, said while the Kapiti Lights upgrade would "probably be okay long-term", his short-term goal was to keep customers coming through the door.
"They're going to be digging up the footpaths and the road, which will mean people won't be able to easily access my shop, and I wonder how much business I will lose.