Denise Keegan (second from back left), whose family are behind the MI Turnbull Awards for the top students in Years11, 12, and 13, is pictured with Giorgio Bevan (back left), Denise Keegan, Joseph Byrne, and Louis Bevan; (front from left) Danielle Wong, Harriet Georgetti and Yilin Lyu.
Louis Bevan is Ōtaki College dux for 2024.
At an end-of-year senior prizegiving, he received the Ōtaki RSA Scholarship, the Fun Zone Scholarship and the Andrew Philips Cup for Dux.
He also received the MI Turnbull Award for top Year 13 student.
Louis intends studying mathematics at Canterbury University and has received a $5000 scholarship from the university for gaining an A+ pass in the 100-level paper he completed last year.
He also received the Chairperson’s Award for all-round excellence, a Bruce Anderson Memorial Trust scholarship, an XŌtaki Alumni Trust scholarship and a Carla Hepplethwaite scholarship to assist with his university studies.
Joseph (JT) Byrne was runner-up to dux and received the Wakefield Lawyers scholarship and cup for Proxime Accessit, and the MI Turnbull Award for second in Year 13.
Next year he will begin an Outward Bound Leavers scholarship and will then take a gap year to take part in Camp America.
Joseph will go on to study commerce at Victoria University in 2026.
He received the Kevin Crombie Memorial Commerce Award and the PG Accountants scholarships to assist with his tertiary studies.
Madeline Simpson was the Everiss Scholar. She will travel to England and Scotland for three weeks in February and will visit Robert Gordon’s College in Aberdeen, home of the Ōtaki Scholar.
Then she will join the Air Force as a medic and there are already plans afoot for her to visit a Scottish Air Force base and a trauma unit in London.
Madeline also received an Outward Bound Leavers scholarship, a Bruce Anderson Memorial Trust scholarship and an XŌtaki Alumni Trust-Defence Force scholarship.
Sportsperson of the Year went to Ned Butler, top scholar in Year 12 was Yilin Lyu with Harriet Georgetti second, while the top Year 11 scholar was Giorgio Bevan followed by Danielle Wong. All four students received MI Turnbull awards.
Also announced at prizegiving were the 2025 ngā ringa whero heads of school, who are Keita Broughton-Alp and Logan Boyer. Tauawhiawhi (deputy heads) are Harriet Georgetti and Haki Ropata. Ngā kaingārahu (associate heads of school) are Olivia Fogden, Logan Hughes, Mareikura Kaka, Kita Kanavatoa and Yilin Lyu.
College principal Andy Fraser said the prizegiving was “something to be extremely proud of”.
“It celebrated many outstanding academic achievements, which were acknowledged accordingly by students and whānau with haka and karanga.”
He expressed his gratitude to everyone whose support contributed to the various awards that were presented. “In particular I wish to acknowledge the outstanding work of the XŌtaki Alumni in generating funding for both students and college projects.
“I want to thank Max Lutz for his dedicated service as chairperson of the trust and acknowledge Scott Wylie who has recently taken on this role.