They entered Beautiful Forever, which is about a couple wanting their relationship to be just that.
"I got an email saying we had been selected and then about a week later another saying we had won.
"I was very excited and kind of in shock."
Beautiful Forever, co-written by the duo, won best acoustic rock song for February.
Akademia could potentially be a music game changer, Tracy said.
"I think it was easier to become recognised and to be successful pre the 90s, then the music industry got quite hard.
"Now this [Akademia] has come up and new artists have got an opportunity to be heard for not a hell of a lot of money."
Tracy said the awards was "a great way to be heard".
"Generally artists don't get heard unless you've got some amazing manager or lots of money."
The couple lead busy lives but love to do gigs when they get the chance.
Tracy said it was hard to make a living as a musician in New Zealand.
"But when something like this happens it kind of makes you feel that it's worth it.
"It's a wee reward from someone, obviously in the music business, who thinks that what you're doing is pretty good."