The Beat Girls, started by Sanders and her stage partner Billy Watkins in 1996, incorporates singing and dancing, she said.
“We decided the concept of three women on stage with choreography would be amazing. It turned out well. We performed in Wellington at Opera Bar on Courtenay Place and in Chicago on Queen’s Wharf. From there we took the idea to the corporate market, performing at parties. Before I was a singer, I was a dancer but once I started singing, I’ve never looked back and now, here we are.”
Career highlights include performing at the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and then the Greece Olympics in 2004.
“We just keep going and going like an energiser bunny. We’ve performed at lots of amazing venues but we’re excited to be going somewhere new.”
In the past, The Beat Girls have performed using backing tracks but audiences who attend the Paekākāriki show are in for a treat, Sanders said, with the upcoming performance featuring a live band.
“We’ve worked so long as a trio, using those backtracks but at this show, there’ll be a six-piece band so nine people on the stage. For us, that’s amazing. Having those band members on stage will be uplifting. Having a band is why we got into business in 1996 so I feel like this show at St Peter’s Hall is an amazing step forward.”
She said the band is made up of musicians who usually perform individually.
“It’s been a lot of fun bringing them together. They’re all seasoned musicians who have performed at several gigs around New Zealand.”
Sanders said everyone has worked hard to ensure this performance captivates their audience.
“We have a lot of fun rehearsing together but also work really hard. The band have put in so much time learning all the songs. We all feel that having a live band full-time is a great move, looking ahead to the future. We’re so excited to come to Paekākāriki with a band.”
She said the addition of a band is sure to captivate audiences.
“Having the added stage presence from a life band, playing the hits people know and like is important. It gives the music the energy and the audience will be able to feel that energy as well. The great thing is this show incorporates classic hits and dance moves that are never going away. The music is timeless and we’re keeping it alive as new generations learn the tunes.”
The details:
What: The Beatgirls - The Hits of Motown, Soul and Disco
When: Saturday, September 21, 8pm start
Where: St Peters Village Hall, Paekākāriki