Niki Trotter and her dog Bart inside Mac's Collectables. Photo / David Haxton
An antiques shop which has been operating in the Raumati Beach village shopping area for half a century is relocating.
Mac's Collectables, at 22 Raumati Rd, is a well-known shop in the village selling a wide range of secondhand goods from general items to collectables.
Shop owner Niki Trotter will be shutting its doors by the beginning of June, after some lease issues arose, and reopening it in part of her house at 8 Poplar Ave, Raumati South.
"I've got a double garage and a single garage, so plenty of storage, and I've got a middle level of the house which is unused, which can be set up as a shop.
"The name was quite a mouthful so I've just called it Mac's Collectables."
Niki has been at the shop since 2001 when she became a co-owner, and for about the last five years has owned the shop by herself.
She got into the antiques business after being off work for a year when she developed a repetitive strain injury in her right hand while doing a job in market research.
"My right hand was so sore, I couldn't do anything, and thought 'what on earth am I going to do?'
"There was an antiques shop in Paekākāriki called Clodee's Collectables and it closed down.
"I thought maybe I could do that [run a similar shop] so I did and called it Niks Naks.
"I used to go to garage sales, auctions, and was there for four years from 1998 before I got the opportunity to go into business at Mac's Collectables, which was a lot better, because it got to the stage in Paekākāriki where I couldn't expand, and that was before online trading as well."
Niki has enjoyed her time in the Raumati Rd shop sourcing various items and interacting with various customers.
"And with the online and shop combination I've always got something to do.
"Half the day is spent packing things that have sold the previous day.