A Kāpiti Coast MyLotto player is $16,690 better off this morning after striking it lucky with Lotto Second Division in last night’s draw.
The player is one of the 36 players nationally who won the Second Division prize money in the Saturday night draw.
Players from Wellington also made up some of the 36, with ticket-holders from New World Miramar, New World Newtown, Gorgeous Goose Cakes & Lotto, Pak’nSave Lower Hutt also winning Second Division prizes, along with two MyLotto tickets bought by Wellington-based players.
Three players also won Powerball Second Division, taking their total winnings to $31,572.
The winning Powerball Second Division tickets were sold at Four Square BK’s in Auckland, Ōamaru New World in Ōamaru, and on MyLotto to a player from New Plymouth.