View from the Mataihuka walkway. Photo / David Haxton
View from the Mataihuka walkway. Photo / David Haxton
If you're keen on a walk that will provide a good workout and some inspiring scenic views, then the Mataihuka walkway is for you.
The walk starts off from a carpark, near the southern end of Waterfall Rd, and begins with a walk up a gully that has been converted from scrubland into a carbon forest featuring a lot of regenerating native bush.
After a short distance the track, which is wide and has a gravel base, takes you to the June Rowland lookout, where you will find a large, sturdy table and seating.
It's a good opportunity to take a breather, have a drink and nibble, before the next stage of the walk along the Raumati Escarpment, which involves greater exertion but is easily achievable.
A view from the Mataihuka walkway. Photo / David Haxton
The lookout is named after June Rowland, who was a co-founder of the Kāpiti Environmental Action group.
An information board at the lookout states the preservation of the escarpment skyline was largely accomplished through the vision and work of the group.
"In 1990 there was a risk that this significant skyline might have houses built on it and June Rowland and other concerned citizens formed KEA to combat what was seen as the threat of wholesale development on our coastal plains."
Carrying on, the track converts into a grass-based trail as it climbs up along the escarpment.
As you get higher the views start to become very impressive and the beauty of the walk takes hold.
It provides the best aerial view of Queen Elizabeth Park and a chance to examine its size in detail.
The track follows various ups and downs, and your calf muscles will get a workout, before you come to a high point where there is a large rock cairn in memory of Bill Moxon, and others, who have helped protect our natural places.
The rock cairn at the top of Mataihuka walkway. Photo / David Haxton
Moxon was also a co-founder of the environmental group.
This is a good place to stop, lay out the picnic blanket, refuel and soak up the extensive coastal views, not to mention a sense of achievement.
The area is exposed to strong winds so having warm clothing, or a windbreaker, at the ready is advisable.
But on a calm summer's day, it's a great place to chill out and admire the scenery.
You won't be disappointed.
A return trip from the carpark to the rock cairn takes about an hour but allow more time for stops.