The Guardians of Kāpiti Marine Reserve have renewed their call for a dedicated patrol boat for the Kāpiti Marine Reserve and Kāpiti Island Nature Reserve.
Speaking to the Wellington Conservation Board, Guardians chairman Ben Knight said a Kāpiti-based patrol boat would provide a much-needed boost in the Department of Conservation's (DoC's) on-water presence enabling a more effective compliance and law enforcement effort for the marine reserve as well as a host of other operational benefits both on the water and on the island.
"Having a DoC patrol boat based at Kāpiti Island makes good sense not just for monitoring and protecting the marine reserve but also to support DoC's research and conversation programmes within the Kāpiti Marine Reserve and the Kāpiti Island Nature Reserve.
"We believe the local DoC team are doing an excellent job with the limited resources available, but their capacity to respond to incidents of illegal fishing and to meet the wider management needs of the reserves is hampered by the lack of a Kāpiti Island-based boat.
"The current situation whereby the nearest DoC patrol boat is based at Mana, which is a 25-kilometre journey over open ocean from Kāpiti, means DoC have a very limited capacity to effectively respond to reports from the public of incidents of illegal fishing."