Two Wellington Hospital medics have highlighted the importance of Kāpiti Coast Airport for medical flights if Wellington Airport is closed.
Intensive care specialist Dr Alex Psirides and associate charge nurse manager Karyn Hathaway sent a letter to Kāpiti mayor K Gurunathan stating their support for the long-term viability of Kāpiti Coast Airport.
It comes at a time when Templeton Group, which owns Kāpiti Coast Airport as part of the wider NZPropCo, is looking at all options for the airport's long-term viability, which has led some people to believe flight operations could stop.
During recent Wellington Airport runway closures the Wellington Aeromedical Retrieval Service used Kapiti Coast Airport on eight occasions.
The service, based in the intensive care unit of Wellington Hospital, provides 24/7 emergency retrieval capability for over one million New Zealanders in the upper south and lower north islands.