Mayoral candidate K Gurunathan says one of his first tasks, if elected, would be to "review and revoke the shameful and undemocratic June 2015 decision to designate a 50m stretch along Kapiti Road West for the sale of psychoactive drugs, also called legal highs".
"As part of the review I will invite Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne to come to a public meeting in Paraparaumu to convince us why we should not revoke this decision," his statement said.
"Despite total community opposition against this Government sponsored push for legalised drug-dealing dens, Ross Church and a majority of councillors, including mayoral candidate Gavin Walsh, supported the motion to facilitate the sale of these drugs on this site close to very vulnerable communities.
"I challenge candidates standing for council to publicly acknowledge that, if elected to office, they would support a move to revoke that undemocratic decision.
"For Ross Church and the current councillors standing for re-election who voted to support the sale of these drugs I am prepared to accept that they had made that decision in good faith and I am prepared to given them good reasons to change their minds."