Slicing her knife into a creamy substance just created by Adriann Ims and Whetu Fala, two budding cheese-makers, Alexis Murti reveals the beginnings of a block of halloumi.
The looks of accomplishment and sounds of delight from the group as the half-made halloumi is cut into, with laughter as they begin the next step — digging their hands into the cheese — is everything Sue Harris and Lynette Ellison hoped for when dreaming of what the Kāpiti Summer School could offer.
The first Kāpiti Summer School began last week, with 300 registrations for 30 classes ranging from food to professional development, lifestyle and entertainment.
Popular classes included beekeeping and blacksmithing, which were so well attended extra classes were put on and a waitlist created.
The school's co-founder Sue Harris hopes it will be an annual event.