It is an old idea to be implemented in the new world of lockdown but 12-year-old Charlie Dale-Low from Waikawa is still going through with his plan to raise money for KidsCan through a 24-hour drawing challenge and that has meant quite a few changes to the original idea.
Help Waikawa's Charlie raise funds for KidsCan with a drawing challenge

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Art work by Charlie Dale-Low.
In his promo video on YouTube Charlie said: "Luckily there is no school at the moment, because I am going to need some extra sleep."
Only once before did he try to pull an all-nighter with some mates and made it to 5am. His 24-hour challenge starts on Thursday at 8am and must last until 8am on Friday.
He is going to draw 24 hours more or less non-stop this Thursday (April 16). "What KidsCan do is really cool and they need more support. All the money I raise will go to them," he said.

The lockdown is making this challenge look very different from what was planned some time ago. For example, he will not be able to use the donation box KidsCan gave him for the donations nor will his mates be able to be there to support him throughout the challenge.
Mum Lisa said she and her husband are doing shifts overnight so one of them is always at Charlie's side. He will take ten minute breaks every hour and is hoping music and perhaps the odd cold shower will help him stay wide awake around the clock.
"I expect his grandparents will be dialling in a few times to encourage him."
He likes to do sketches of people, in particular faces, using a pencil. Another but very distinctly, Charlie-esque-style, made using thick markers, he calls doodling. "It also almost cartoon-ish," said Lisa.
Doodling will be used on the edges of the paper he will be working on during the challenge, to break the tension. A welcome distraction for any budding artist. Asked how many faces he is likely to draw during the challenge, the answer is somewhat surprising.

"He plans to do one major work only during the challenge," said mum Lisa. Perhaps he can raise more money putting that work up for auction.
Charlie will post updates, highlights as well as livestreaming of the challenge on his YouTube channel: