Detective Senior Sergeant Nick Pritchard of the National Organised Crime Group said the operation should be a warning to those who attempt to profit from distributing methamphetamine.
"Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug and very harmful, not only to those who take it, but to their family and the wider community," he said.
"The Drug Harm Index estimates the social cost to New Zealand of 482 grams of methamphetamine in the community to be approximately $619,000. This includes personal harm and community harm."
"Operation Flag highlights that Police will continue to target gangs like the Head Hunters who continue to distribute harmful drugs into the community," he said.
A resident on Russell St said she had heard that a member of the Headhunters owned the property at No 13 but she did not believe that he lived there. She thought his family might live there.
She said she had not had problems with the neighbours and they were pretty quiet.
The house is located on a quiet, suburban street in the upmarket Ponsonby area. It is a short walk from the Three Lamps shopping precinct.
Another of the five properties is located in Mt Wellington and is a multi-level house positioned on a busy stretch of Penrose Rd.
This afternoon a police officer could be seen stationed at the front door, while a small dog barked from the property.
The turquoise green home stands within a residential area, just two doors down from an early childhood centre.