Parts of Waikanae are being bombarded with graffiti.
"It does seem that graffiti in Waikanae has been more noticeable lately," council parks and recreation manager Alison Law said.
"The problem is not that we've had more instances of graffiti being reported to us, it's that the amount of graffiti at each site has been more significant.
"We're always disappointed by acts of graffiti in our district because we put a lot of time and effort into caring for these community facilities.
"We remove graffiti as soon as we can and will continue with regular monitoring of our community facilities in a hope to deter further damage."
Sue Lusk, from Destination Waikanae, said: "Waikanae is being blitzed with graffiti at the moment and we desperately need to get to the right people to reduce it as soon as it happens, to deter more tagging.
"We need to deter the taggers and murals and street art are proven to do this.
"To live up to our Most Beautiful Town image we need all of you, and our elected representatives, to work with us to help make this happen."
Cr Gavin Welsh said he hated tagging.
"It makes areas look ugly and run down.
"The sooner tagging can be removed, the better.
"And to a certain degree, it takes some of the 'look at me' motivation out of this moronic act of stupidity.
"I believe it warrants a community response, and that council should provide a removal service for all property.
"This would have to be rates funded, but we could start building a paint library asap, and we could always look to see if we could partner up with someone to sponsor."
One unsightly area of graffiti is the Waikanae rail bridge.
"The bridge tagging has been getting worse," said Norma McCullum, from Keep Waikanae Beautiful.
OVERBRIDGE: Graffiti on the Waikanae rail bridge.
KiwiRail is undertaking a review of the bridge which will determine structural integrity and maintenance requirements of the bridge, including graffiti removal.
If people saw Electra boxes tagged call 0800 567 876 and for Chorus boxes call 0800 222 638.
Council's main number is 04 296 4700.
�August 5: Graffiti on the Welcome to Waikanae sign (the one approaching Waikanae from the north).
�August 4: More graffiti on the fence at Waikanae Croquet Club.