Anouk Alexander completed her first triathlon seven years ago after receiving a scholarship to participate in the Kapiti Womens Triathlon.
Anouk Alexander completed her first triathlon seven years ago after receiving a scholarship to participate in the Kapiti Womens Triathlon.
All night Anouk Alexander could hear the waves crashing and the high winds roaring.
The next day she was facing one of the biggest challenges of her life.
After years of no exercise, living the commuter's life heading into Wellington and sitting in an office all day, Anouk was stepping out of her comfort zone entering her first triathlon.
"I had seen the signs along the highway every year advertising the Kāpiti Women's Triathlon, but always way too late.
"And then one year a few months before the triathlon I saw they invited people to apply for scholarships.
The Kāpiti Women's Triathlon first began in 1983 with the aim of encouraging women and girls to get out and have a go focusing on fun, fitness and health.
The event is run by women, for women, and will be held on February 23.
For more information and to sign up visit