Extending the Kapiti Expressway shared pathway north to Otaki seemed logical, Prime Minister Bill English said.
The newly finished 18km Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway has a 16km shared pathway next to it for cyclists, walkers and horse riders, which has been getting a lot of praise from the community.
But the Peka Peka to Otaki Expressway, which is being designed now, doesn't have a shared pathway factored in, though there had been some suggestion a cycleway would be created on the section of State Highway 1 when it gets turned into a local road.
"It would seem logical to extend the fantastic facility they've got here," said Mr English after going for a bike ride on the Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway shared pathway at Waikanae with Otaki MP Nathan Guy today.
"My understanding is that it is under discussion with the Transport Agency and certainly the local MP here Nathan Guy who has been advocating strongly with me and with them that the pathway is extended on the next stretch of motorway."