"It will be set up with sound, lighting, a space at the top where a deejay can go, and the door can open up into an outside space if there's a big event."
There's a college age after-school space which will be open from Tuesdays to Fridays — "think a lounge kitchen sort of idea".
There is also a large creative workshop space for art-based projects.
"Anything that gets pretty messy."
Upstairs are two acoustically lined rehearsal rooms.
"They'll be set up for bands to walk into...there will be amps, drum kits and more...you can walk in with your instruments and you're not bothering your neighbours.
"The rooms are separate from each other acoustically so you can have bands jamming at the same time."
There are two office spaces as well a design room which will be like a digital media suite.
The centre will be staffed during operating hours with various adults as well as students.
The project is expected to cost $924,000.
Council is chipping in $250,000 towards the build as well as helping with an operational budget.
About $100,000 worth of equipment will be installed provided by various grant funding.
Zeal is an organisation whose goal is to provide young people aged 13 to 18 with the opportunity to discover, express and develop their unique creativity.