The aim was to reduce the ant population by 80 per cent by getting people working together.
Jenny said ants could be a nightmare if they invaded your home.
She described a black ant invasion in her home as "like living in a Hitchcock movie".
Black ants could reproduce faster than any other ant, she said.
"A cavity in a wall or ceiling may have over a million ants and half of those are able to reproduce."
Creating borax bait mixture involved 1 rounded teaspoon of borax and 250 grams of sugar dissolved in a litre of water.
Pour some borax syrup onto cotton wool balls (so the ants won't drown) inside a screw top container (like a pill container) which has a small hole 4-5mm drilled on the lid to let the ants in.
"The secret to borax bait is to get the dosage right.
"The aim with borax baiting is to keep Argentines alive and still feeding until the queen dies, but to kill off black ants immediately so the nest starves.
"Fortunately the same borax bait stations will do both."
Borax bait stations could be placed around the property, including taped to vegetation, and checked every week or so over about three months.
The bait was "extremely effective" but "people need to be prepared to wait."
Black ants are very shiny and black and clustered together make a solid dense mass.
Argentine ants have light brown bodies and tend to look frothy in large numbers.
While the campaign is focused on Raumati South, on October 6-7, people living in other areas of Kāpiti could apply for ant information via