Latest fromKapiti News
Brave 5-year-old Arthritis Sufferer
5-year-old Jess McCullagh is one of 1000 children living with arthritis in New Zealand.
Kapiti's Te Ara Korowai battling on after funding cuts
Despite a significant funding cut, Kapiti mental wellness centre Te Ara Korowai will work hard to thrive, according to new manager Lisa Archibald.
MEGA Kapiti building community charity house
A community charity house aimed at supporting high-achieving youth in Kapiti is being built in full view of the public in Kapiti Rd, Paraparaumu.
Christian Cullen bursts on to caffeine scene
Taken over by ex-All Black Christian Cullen this month, Burst Café is now one of a handful of business ventures at the hands of the longstanding Paraparaumu resident.
Cannabis plants found in public reserve
Constable Lizzie Campbell, from Kapiti police, located three large cannabis plants growing at a reserve in Paraparaumu Beach, on Wednesday.
Scammers prey on elderly
A Waikanae man's loss of $20,000 through a telephone scam was part of a long history of scams targeted at the elderly, which are becoming more common throughout the country.
Time to enerjyze yourself Kapiti
After five years capturing the scenes of top Australian restaurants, chef Jordan Adam is back on home soil with a concept that could turn Kapiti, and New Zealand, on its head.
Family secrets span the globe and back again
An extraordinary trail of discovery has unfolded for a Paraparaumu woman involving jaw-dropping and heart-wrenching information about her grandfather's secret past.
Children's writer fuels Greyhound growth in Kapiti
Ex-television journalist Anna Kenna's compelling tale of an ex-racing dog Bojangles has helped fuel a life-changing nationwide greyhound adoption scheme.
Nakiyah's tube weaning success
For three years, Paraparaumu toddler Nakiyah Reid lived in a food-related nightmare that saw her terrified by the prospect of eating, and unable to even hold food down.
Brave Sean opts for rare leg operation
Cancer survivor Sean Prendeville is about the sixth person in New Zealand to have undergone an innovative leg amputation procedure called rotationplasty.