Tamsyn Parker, Personal Finance Editor for New Zealand’s Herald, is a firm believer in news that you can use to get your finances in better shape for now and into the future.
I'm Tamsyn Parker and I've been a journalist specialising in business and finance reporting since 2005. I caught the journalism bug at high school when my media studies teacher took us for a tour of TVNZ and I became the editor of our school magazine. I completed a Bachelor of Communications Degree at AUT in 2000. I then worked in community newspapers in Auckland and the UK before moving into the financial trade press in London writing about investment products for financial advisers. I returned to New Zealand and got a job with the National Business Review before moving to the Herald where I covered manufacturing and tourism before moving into investments, capital markets and personal finance. I became the Personal Finance Editor in 2014 and in 2020, was made assistant business editor in the business section. I've covered the global financial crisis and collapse of the finance company industry in New Zealand as well as the rise of KiwiSaver. Outside of work, my husband and I spend weekends doing DIY, gardening and spending quality time with my daughters.