Parekura Horomia never gave me one good news tip - but he was still one of my favourite people to see on the Maori beat.
Ratana, Waitangi, Koroneihana, these events were the large set pieces of the year. But the ex-Maori affairs minister's annual Maori circuit was much greater than that. Tangi, birthdays, anniversaries, hui for this or that, crises of the day, these were his bread and butter events. They were also over and above his work as Ikaroa-Rawhiti's MP and minister. It was an exhausting workload taking him up and down the country.
But he'd turn up with his smile as wide as his face or with a kind word as the occasion demanded.
Ring him for comment and you'd most likely have to turn it into reported speech to make some sense of it. It drove me mad that he was dead keen on repeating that he was "the most uneducated Education Minister ever", when he held that associate portfolio.
"The matrix of dysfunction" was another I'd not touch with a bargepole, but was part of his charm.