Originally published by Māori Television
Māori rights and interest in the foreshore and seabed have been recognised in a judgment in the Whakatōhea high court case released on Friday.
"Hapū MACA [Marine and Coastal Area] applicants are ecstatic at the high court judgement released on Friday in relation to their seeking a customary marine title over the Takutai Moana boundary in Opotiki," said Te Ringahuia Hata, who gave evidence for both Ngāti Ira and Ngāti Patumoana.
Ngāti Ira, along with 12 other applicants, lodged their application in April 2017.
"We are absolutely stoked. Each of our MACA teams have been working tirelessly since 2017 to gather all our traditional evidence, commission technical researchers, draft so many affidavits and then attend the 10-week court case every day and it has all paid off. All our hapū have satisfied the relevant statutory tests for CMT [Customary Marine Title} under the MACA Act," Hata said in a statement.