Building leadership within the iwi is something Barber feels strongly about.
"We must build leadership capacity across Ngāti Kahungunu. This means investing in our people to ensure we have competence and experience in our decision-making roles."
Barber recently became a chartered member of the NZ Institute of Directors. He is the chair of the Hastings District Council's Strategy and Policy committee, he is an independent director of Beef + Lamb NZ, a director and former chair of Health Hawke's Bay and a board member of Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission).
Barber feels his extensive board director and council experience has prepared him now to take on the role of Ngāti Kahungunu chair.
"Relationships are a key component to such an important role. I've been told I have a knack for walking authentically in both the Māori and Pākehā worlds and throughout the years I've built relationships at all levels, from the grass roots to the dignitaries and everywhere in between."
"I particularly enjoy bringing together people who aren't always on the same page, as it takes patience and practice but is well worth the effort."
Barber also wants to improve Ngāti Kahungunu's financial performance.
"Our fisheries Treaty settlement needs to be growing exponentially so that we can provide our people with increased benefits in the areas of employment, education, health, housing and our environment."
With a family of seven children, and his first mokopuna on the way, issues that affect whānau are at the heart of Barber's desire to lead Ngāti Kahungunu. Bayden is married to Myra Christy, from Nuhaka, Ngāti Rākaipaaka.
"My wife, tamariki and wider whānau have always supported me in my leadership roles as they understand the importance of having good leadership in our community."
"I am meeting with our whānau throughout the rohe either via Zoom or where possible in person to discuss the future of our iwi. My whakapapa links me from Wairarapa, through Heretaunga and on to Te Wairoa and Waikaremoana. It is important to me that all the voices of Ngāti Kahungunu are heard."
Barber's main message is that if you vote for him, you are voting for a positive change for Ngāti Kahungunu.
"If I am elected, we will bring together our collective strength as Ngāti Kahungunu and make our iwi the cultural, social and financial powerhouse it deserves to be. We have over 60,000 whānau, over 80 marae, all our hapū, along with our Taiwhenua and Settlement Groups and numerous successful businesses throughout our extensive rohe, from Paritū north of Te Māhia to Turakirae on the Southern Wairarapa Coast.
The time is right for a positive change for Ngāti Kahungunu to ensure our people are thriving and prospering in life. Together we are stronger."