Melissa Ihaka
Ko Rangitūmau te maunga
Ko Raumahanga te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te Iwi
Ko Mandie Ihaka rāua ko Shaun Mita-Waata ōku mātua
Ko Melissa Ihaka tōku ingoa.
Born, raised and reside in the Wairarapa close to my whānau.
Kahungunu ki Wairarapa (KKW) board member for four years and represent KKW on the iwi board for three years. Yes it's challenging but worthwhile for our people. I've been blessed to coordinate iwi events in Wairarapa; support our community during Covid-19; represent KKW, and bring a youthful perspective to the table. Our rangatahi are the future and they need nurturing under the guidance of our kuia and koroua. I have financial, business and strategic experience. I know and value of hard work and appreciate those who continue to serve in our communities.
I put myself forward again to support our whānau, hapū and Iwi development.
He waka eke noa.
Tīhei Kahungunu!
Andrea Rutene
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Aorangi te pae maunga
Ko Wairarapa moana te karu o te ika
Ko Ngāti Hinewaka te hapū
Ko Kohunui te marae
Ko Iraia Te Whaiti rāua ko Kaihou Aporo ōku tipuna
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Tihei Kahungunu !
You may have seen me around at the marae, church or at the Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa office. That's because I'm involved in things I'm passionate about.
I'm Kahungunu, Wairarapa proud! I've lived most of my life right here at home. I love contributing to my whānau, hapū and iwi. Supporting kōhanga and kura, at our marae, advocating for change as I work within local government, within health and the environment. With running our own family businesses I've learnt what it takes to achieve success.
I'm no stranger to giving what it takes to see our whānau thrive and contributing to making a positive difference where I can, is my goal.
Jenishavorne Waipuka
Wairarapa ki uta, Wairarapa ki tai! I am the mokopuna of Millie Jury Edwards and Hugh Waipuka, of Mizpah Matthews and Peter Ammunson, daughter of Kim Waipuka and Paora Ammunson, born and raised in the foothills of our maunga, on the shores of our awa and the whenua of our tīpuna.
I am proudly from every corner of Wairarapa and humbly ask to represent Wairarapa on the iwi board.
Professionally, I'm a trust specialist for the Māori Trustee managing 300 ahuwhenua trusts throughout Takitimu/ Te Waipounamu. Academically, I have a diploma in te reo Māori, pursuing a Masters of Māori and Indigenous Leadership at the University of Canterbury. I'm an active member of my marae and hapū and kapa, Te Rangiura o Wairarapa. I will utilise my strengths in governance, whenua Māori and te reo Māori to strongly represent Wairarapa. He māngai reo rua tēnei māu. "tuitui tāngata, tuitui korowai"
Nigel How
When I became a member of our iwi board three years ago, no-one could have foreseen the uncertainty and chaos created by Covid-19 across all levels of our iwi. This kutu has dominated the past two years.
The challenges Covid-19 continues to bring has also created opportunities. It has created a space to re-examine, re-purpose and re-direct our iwi board. It has made us more resilient, more responsive, more attentive and work even harder for our registered members and wider communities.
As this work is not finished, I humbly stand again to provide continuity and stability at governance level over the next three years. This means advocating for what is best and working alongside others to obtain best outcomes for all. Tihei Kahungunu!
Naomi Wilson
Kai te iwi, tēnā rā koutou!
Ko Nāomi Kate Wilson tōku ingoa, nō Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga, Ngāti Porou me Te Whānau-ā-Apanui ahau. Otirā, nikā ahau me ōku kāwai e tuku mihi atu nei ki a koutou katoa.
Firstly, it's been an honour and a privilege to represent Te Wairoa as the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi alternative board member. Thank you to those who have given me your support. During my three-year tenure, we were able to address objectives that I would like to see through to completion. They are: 1) Ensure a rangatahi voice and lens across the Iwi board; 2) Improve housing initiatives; and 3) Keep our whānau connected and involved.
I am seeking your support once again, and I will strive to create a positive change in all I do.
Nā reira, kāti ake ahau i tēnei wā. Kia ora koutou katoa.