As the Silver Ferns continue to pursue back-to-back World Netball Championship titles in South Africa, a number of dedicated fans from Aotearoa have been cheering them on courtside.
Among the twirling poi and the raucous cheers in Cape Town is a group of wāhine from Manutūke. Paku-Jane Skudder, the self-described baby of the group, says it’s been the opportunity of a lifetime to join her mother and aunties on tour.
“It started off with my auntie, my mother and my late grandmother on their journey. The last world cup was their second World Cup. And this year my auntie asked me if I wanted to join along and I said yes. I’m happy and honoured to go with it.
“E koa ana te ngākau, i tipu ake au ki roto i tēnei hākinakina. Nō reira he maringa mōku kia tae mai i tēnei wa.” (I’m really stoked, I grew up playing netball. So yeah, it’s a great privilege to be here).
The group of superfans is part of the official tour led by Silver Ferns legend Irene van Dyk. With poi in hand, the New Zealand fans have been loud and proud in the Cape Town International Convention Centre, with Skudder front and centre of the celebrations.
Irene van Dyk playing for the Pulse in 2015. Photo / Mark Mitchell
“With my upbringing and living in our beautiful culture – and also being one the youngest here, I have to help the older generation. Yeah, that’s definitely me.
“I kōrero māua ko tōku kōkā me heria mai ngā tāngata ngā poi. Nō reira i heria mai e rātou. Ko au te pēpi o tēnei rōpu nō reira i ngana au ki te āwhina, tautoko nō te mea te nuinga he kuia, he kaumātua.” (My aunty and I said to the group we should all bring poi. So they did. Being the baby of the group I’ve been trying to help and assist our group because the majority are older nannies).
Poi became a fixture at last year’s Rugby World Cup in Aotearoa, with thousands of fans cheering on the Black Ferns to victory. Football fans have also got into the swing of things during the FIFA Women’s World Cup currently under way.
Skudder hopes that means poi have become a regular feature of sport in Aotearoa.
“Me mihi ki te whānau mai i te whutupōro nā rātou te tūāpapa i timata. Ka rua, ko mātou tērā e whai ana. Ko te manako kua titia ki te ngākau o te ao, o Aotearoa whānui kia kawea ki te ao.” (I have to acknowledge the Rugby World Cup, they set the platform. And now here we are carrying it on. Hopefully, it means poi have become engrained in all of Aotearoa as a way of taking us around the world).
Getting tougher
Having successfully navigated their way through the early pool phase, the Silver Ferns move onto the next stage, where the quality of opposition only gets tougher.
Having witnessed the matches first-hand, Skudder is confident Dame Noeline Taurua has once again got the team peaking at the right time.
“Noeline was just testing out different combinations and today would be the day to show the world what we’ve got.”
And should the Ferns raise the trophy again at the end of the week, Skudder is no doubt some of the poi in the stands will make their way to the players.
“We will give our poi to those players and they can show us in the haka when they win!”