OPINION: It was the quality of their material and performance that caught my eye and ear.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Ko Waipuketia ki te Aroha
Tū te ihiihi, tū te wehiwehi, tu tu te puehu ki Kouramawhitiwhiti ā te wiki nei ko te pena pūtea mō ngā uri o Tamateaarikinui o Paikea o Apanuiringamotu te take.
Ko Waipuketia ki te Aroha te kaupapa ka kawea iho nei e ngā waru pū manawa o Te Arawa ki te ātea rearea o te takere waka. E rua ngā ngā kaupapa haka ā te mutunga wiki. Āpōpō ko te kaupapa Lakeside 25. He whakamihi nā te hāpori mō te ekenga o tēnei kaupapa ki te rua tekau mā rima o ngā tau te pakeke.
He kaupapa utu kore engari ko te tino ngako o tēnei kaupapa he kohi pūtea he kohi moni hai awhina i ngā hāpori kua hauhaua e te kaha o Kapiriao. Ka tāti ā te kotahi tekau mā tahi ā te atatū tae ki te whā o ngā hāora o te ahiahi.
Ka tu hoki ngā toa hoko kai. Ko te kaupapa whakahirahira ko te whakakotahinga o ngā rōpū katoa ki te haka me te waiata hoki. He whakamihi hoki tēnei ki ngā mana whakahaere nā rātau te ātamira nui i whakataha atu hai papa tūwaewae ki a ea ai tēnei whakaaro aroha, whaihoki he mihi nui hoki ki te hunga tautoko ā pūtea e ea ai te utu o ngā rama me aua mea nui te utu.
Te Kapa Haka o Ngati Whakaue.
Koia ko ēnei ngā rōpū ka tu ki te whakangahau. Ko te tīma i tae ki te taumata tuarua o Te Matatini, ko Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue, kātahi ko Ngāti Rangiwewehi, ko Te Pikikotuku o Ngāti Rongomai, ko Te Mātarae i o Rehu, ko Te Hekenga Ā Rangi, ko Tūhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao.
■Kai wareware tātau ko Tamateaarikinui tāna ko Rongokako, tāna ko Tamateapokaiwhenua, tāna ko Kahungungu, tāna ko Rongimaipapa. Ka moe a Rongomaipapa i a Tūhourangi ka puta ki waho ko tātau. Ngā uri hoki o Te Tai Rāwhiti.
Ko tō tātau tupuna ko Ihenga ka moe i a Te Ururangi ka puta ki waho ko Tuariki tāna ko Tuwahiawa, tāna ko Turirangi, tāna ko Apanuiringamotu. Nō reira tātau te Māori maranga rā tū kaha rā.
Kia kaha katoa tātau ki te whakamana i tēnei kaupapa.
— Na Raimona Inia i whakamaori
English Translation
All six Te Arawa kapa from Te Matatini will perform a special concert at Kouramawhitiwhiti (Rotorua Lakefront) on Sunday to raise funds for flood-stricken Kahungunu and Te Tairawhiti communities.
The Te Arawa Kapa Charitable Trust has coined the title “Waipuketia ki te Aroha” (Flooding them with love) for the concert which is the second part of a double-header at the Village Green this weekend.
Tomorrow night is Lakeside 25 celebrating 25 years of Lakeside concerts in Rotorua and will end with a fireworks display.
While entry is free, an important part of Sunday’s concert which will run from 11am until about 4.30pm, is a collection for the victims of Cyclone Gabrielle.
There will also be kai stalls.
In a grand finale, a composite of all six groups will perform.
The trust is grateful to be able to use the Rotorua Lakeside Committee’s big stage and that its sponsors were prepared to make funds available to pay for the regulatory services, staging and lighting.
Headlining the concert will be Te Matatini runners-up, Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue, with Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Te Pikikotuku o Ngāti Rongomai, Te Mātarae i o Rehu, Tuhourangi-Ngāti Wahiao, and Te Hekenga A Rangi.
■Raimona Inia has provided a guide of Te Arawa connections to Kahungunu and and Te Tairawhiti.
Lest we forget that Tamateaarikinui the captain of the Takitimu waka had Rongokako, who had Tamateapokaiwhenua who had Kahungungu who had the beautiful Rongomaipapa who married the son of Rangitihi, Tuhourangi.
Also that our ancestor Ihenga the grandson of Tamatekapua married Te Ururangi who had Tuariki who had Tuwahiawa who had Turirangi who had Apanuiringamotu.