Tainui Group Holdings' boss is defending recommendations for the Hamilton City Council to sell city assets such as hotels and the Claudelands Event Centre - with angry councillors saying the presentation was "threatening" and "aggressive".
Chief executive Mike Pohio has denied that the group's submission to the council contradicted its previous advice over investing in assets, but said his key priority was making sure they paid only their "fair share".
He said the recommendations for council to sell its shares in Ibis and Novotel Tainui and Claudelands were centred around ways the council could get more revenue without unfairly targeting ratepayers or developers.
Waikato-Tainui's commercial arm also opposed changes to the development contribution policy, which was unfair and did not support a differential being offered to the CBD even though it was a prominent landlord.
Mr Pohio has been approached by several city councillors in the past few days who were disappointed with the submission by Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) on the long-term plan. The plan was presented by TGH's law firm Bell Gully and the manager of Tainui's newest project - the inland port at Ruakura.