Up to Speed with Te Reo Māori is a special podcast series by NZME broadcaster and Te Reo advocate Stacey Morrison. The series of 10 short podcasts helps get you up to speed with Māori language phrases and words that are often heard in media, public addresses and everyday conversations in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Ko Stacey Morrison tōku ingoa, my name is Stacey Morrison, and episode 2 of Up to Speed with Te Reo kōnae ipurangi – podcast, covers placenames as heard in media reports and public announcements.

These days we're hearing dual references to placenames, such as Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. Tāmaki Makaurau is a name for Auckland, and often translated to mean "Tāmaki, desired by many" or "many lovers".
Another name you may have heard for Auckland is Tāmaki Herenga waka – which means the gathering of many waka – seafaring vessels. That refers to the harbours of Auckland having attracted many waka, for a very long time.