Two new nurse directors at Starship Child health will help address health inequity for Māori by championing Māori health and leading Te Tiriti across nursing, as the paediatric health provider ushers in a new nursing model.
Hera Watkinson (Starship nurse director, tangata whenua) and Romana Raby (Starship nurse director, tangata tiriti) were welcomed to their new roles in a ceremony at Manawanaui Marae in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Over 50 per cent of the Starship workforce are nurses, and the incoming nurse directors will have influence within Starship as well as across child health nationally.
Starship says the Te Tiriti-based co-directorship is a first in nursing history and leads the way for mokopuna-centric, whānau-focused and whānau-led healthcare.