Iwi in Whangaroa, Northland, is in mourning following the death and burial of Netta Ropiha nee Hohaia at 97. Ropiha had nine children and more than 30 grandchildren. She was the last surviving kuia of her generation.
Whānau gathered at Wainui marae today to say their goodbyes.
Rāwhitiroa Bosch remembers a kuia full of smiles and optimism for her whānau and mokopuna.
“I once asked her, what her final words to her mokopuna would be. She said ‘to have love for your fellow man, welcome people into your house and look after them’ and that sense of manaakitanga has been passed down to her children, her mokopuna and your people of Whangaroa.”
Ropiha, born on December 28, 1925, attended Matangirau Native school and spent a lifetime in her rohe of Whangaroa.