The stories of Ngāti Kurī tīpuna’s migration south are coming to life in Kaikōura this week as digital pūrākau on the big screen, detailing the iwi migration.
Māori consultancy NAIA’s chief storyteller Rocky Roberts (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Rarua, Ngāti Hinematua) says the digital form of telling pūrākau is to help those wanting to connect back to their iwi and te ao Māori “who like their information in a shorter form”.
The videos are in 2D animation and are just over five minutes long, and the producing process has been nothing but stellar, Rocky says.
“The people in Kaikōura had confidence that the story we were trying to represent was sold and it was something they agreed with.”
“What we’ve done is build the relationships to start with and then just kept going back and touching base, making sure everyone’s happy with things because we’re showing them a representation of some pretty famous tūpuna.