Ngapuhi hapu claimants are preparing for stage 2 of the Waitangi Tribunal Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry, which will begin with a powhiri at Waitangi Marae on March 17.
Te Kotahitanga o nga Hapu Ngapuhi co-chairman Pita Tipene said that despite months of uncertainty over funding, quick progress was being made and claimants were thankful the Crown was funding the first two weeks of the planned 21 weeks of hearings.
Claimants were expecting the tribunal's report soon on stage 1 of the inquiry, which dealt with He Whakaputanga (the 1835 Declaration of Independence) and the 1840 Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
"But we don't need that report to say we retain our sovereignty," Mr Tipene said.
Asked what would happen with the tribunal hearings if Treaty Settlements Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson modified and accepted the deed of mandate sought by the Tuhoronuku committee of the Ngapuhi Runanga, Mr Tipene said the minister had in the past said he didn't want the mandate advertised under the "Tuhoronuku" brand.