It was wonderful to see local people arrive at Te Poho o Tuariki's first open day, Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa spokeswoman Kiri Wilson says.
The Rangitīkei tribe's open day was on Saturday, February 27, at its iwi headquarters Te Poho o Tuariki in Marton. The 5ha complex is the former Turakina Maōri Girls' College, which Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa bought in April 2018 and officially opened in February 2019.
As well as providing a base with health and social services, it aims to use the complex for education and training within the Rangitīkei. The iwi received a $95,000 Provincial Growth Fund grant to get that started.
UCOL has been a partner in its education ventures. Courses in arboriculture, pest management and building are based at Te Poho, and some of the results were on show.