Members of the independent panel appointed by Police Commissioner Andrew Coster to investigate bias in the police force gathered in Wellington this week.
They were at Police National Headquarters for the announcement that two research teams and a statistician will join the kaupapa. The panel and researcher will take a deep dive into the community to gauge what's happening and how this evidence can be used to evolve the system.
Panel members include:
- Long-time Māori justice advocate Tā Kim Workman KNZM QSO, a retired public servant, whose career spans roles in Police, the Office of the Ombudsman, State Services Commission, Department of Māori Affairs and the Ministry of Health.
- Phylesha Brown-Acton MNZM, a champion for the rights of gender and sexual minority groups within Aotearoa and the Asia and Pacific region.
- Dr Katie Bruce, former acting director of Strategy, Rights and Advice at the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.
- Former Ackland Councillor Fa'anānā Efeso Collins.
- Dr Penny Hagen, who has a PhD in participatory design and her work integrates approaches from health, design, youth development.
- Helen Leahy, former Pouārahi/CE of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency for the South Island.
- Jo McLean, a Ngai Tahu representative who has extensive governance experience.