A new gallery supporting ākonga, kaimahi and Aotearoa’s art and design community has opened at Unitec-Te Pūkenga. Toi o Wairaka has been unveiled as part of the School of Creative Industries’ new facilities in the Mt Albert, Auckland campus.
The gallery supports the latest contemporary art and design projects by ākonga (students), kaimahi (staff) and other artists and designers in Aotearoa New Zealand. The project space for research and creative practice is guided by the values of Te Noho Kotahitanga, and the gallery supports teaching and learning through an annual programme of activities including exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and postgraduate examinations.
The name was selected from suggestions developed by the School of Creative Industries kaimahi, says Hohepa Renata (Ngāpuhi), Kaihautū Creative Industries.
“It immediately caught the attention of the Te Reo Committee as it invokes our connection to the whenua and the wai. It also invokes both the spirit of Rakataura, who found the aquifer and Wairaka, who stamped her foot to bring forth the puna [spring] that is the heart of Unitec.”