That Iwi Leadership Group made a big mistake on Waitangi Day.
There's been a lot of criticism over the years that many of them are a bunch of fat cats sucking on the teat of previous Waitangi settlements, living the good life. Staying at the ritziest hotel in the Bay of Islands with all the political and government elites on our national day is never a good look.
I don't particularly begrudge the iwi leaders staying in the same air-conditioned five star accommodations where the politicians and our VIPs hang out. But they may have become ignorantly arrogant in this privileged isolation from their own people.
How else do they carelessly say they are holding a breakfast for politicians but making a point of excluding non-government MPs? Not only did that exclude party leaders like local MP Hone Harawira, Greens Metiria Turei and Winston Peters, but astonishingly they snubbed the man who could this year be elected prime minister, David Cunliffe. That's just not smart. If there's a change of government the Iwi Leaders Group may find themselves breakfasting alone next February.
Many Maori believe the Iwi Group has become a Brown Roundtable that reflects a corporatist culture no different from their Pakeha capitalist counterparts.