The reopening of Tūtahi Tonu, the wharenui previously based at Epsom Campus, marks the start of a new chapter for Māori education at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.
In 2023, Tūtahi Tonu closed at Epsom, on its 40th birthday, and has since undergone a transformation, preparing for its move to the city.
The whakairo (carvings) of the wharenui have been delicately refurbished by master carver Katz Maihi (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ngāpuhi) and placed in their new home. The whakairo reflect the diverse cultures who study at the University, and create a welcoming space for learning.
On July 27, a pōwhiri was held at Waipapa Marae to welcome the taonga which lived at Epsom Campus. These included portraits of the many rangatira who shared the vision of enhancing Māori education, a core foundation of Tūtahi Tonu.