Labour's Nanaia Mahuta is fighting back after the Maori King endorsed her rival, Rahui Papa, warning it could put the Kingitanga in a difficult position if there was a change in Government.
Mahuta, the cousin of King Tuheitia, is standing against the Maori Party's Papa in the Hauraki-Waikato seat. King Tuheitia last year threw his support behind the Maori Party and repeated the endorsement at his Koroneihana anniversary this year. He has also endorsed Papa.
Papa is his spokesman and Maori Party President Tukoroirangi Morgan is also one of the King's key advisers.
Mahuta said it was disappointing and she believed the King had acted on the advice of advisers acting out of self-interest.
"It potentially puts the King in a difficult position if there is a change in Government because he's been so overt in his political leanings.