The best thing we can do is to protecting ourselves first and then, by maintaining a safe lifestyle that will continue to help our bodies become stronger, to fight any disease that might come near us. Our actions can and will have a ripple effect on our families, our friends and our communities, but it starts with us as individuals.
PROTECT YOU - If you are not vaccinated, please consider it. Not for your job, or for your friends or even your family. Do it to protect yourself. There's more to it than just getting the jab. Keep yourself healthy and well. Eat well, sleep well, drink clean water and exercise. Enjoy your life and have a great attitude. This will help to protect yourself.
PROTECT YOURS - Last year during lockdown we started using the word 'bubble'. We are all in different bubbles. Some of us belong to a large family, with mum, dad, nana, papa in our bubble, some of us are in our own bubble. We also have our work bubble and our friendship bubble. Protecting your family and friends is about you caring for them by inviting and encouraging them to look after themselves by protecting themselves. We need to be brave to be kind. Have the discussion with those you love.
PROTECT US – We all want to live a relatively normal life and still see one another and participate in activities together, like birthdays, even tangi, meet friends at church, enjoy sporting activities, travel and do fun things together as a community. To do these wonderful things, however, we need to protect ourselves. As we accept and adjust to life wearing a mask in public places, signing in at different places we go, washing our hands, and stayimg clean, we can protect ourselves, our family, friends and the community.
Start the kōrero - talk to your family and friends about what you will do if you are a close contact or if someone in your house gets Delta. Share your concerns and be open with each other.
Make a Plan – just like making a plan to escape the house during a blazing fire, you must have a plan for when Delta hits your home. Share your plan with your whānau – nana, papa, the kids, the mokopuna, everyone should be involved. This is whānau ora. Every home is different. Make a plan that works for your whānau.
Implement good hygiene habits – encourage everyone in your whānau to wear a mask, wash your hands and stay home if you're sick. Regularly meet as a family to encourage these new habits. Everyone needs to be on board.
Prepare your homes – last year during lockdown we bought a freezer to store more kai, including dog food for my three fur babies. I also planted a pear tree that's coming along nicely.
When you go shopping, buy non-perishable kai (cans of food) that you can eat if you are stuck at home self-isolating. Buy lots of sachets of gravy and mixtures that make kai interesting.
TŪ MOTUHAKE, TŪ TANGATA MAI - BE INDEPENDENT & SELF-RELIANT – the best thing we can do as a whānau is keep informed and do something about it for ourselves. Do not rely on a system or a delivery of news or kai to save you.
To get your vaccination pass go to: Go to